Ellen Riggs owes her Bought-the-Farm cozy mystery series to a serious crush on James Herriot that began as a teen. By age 20, she’d visited his hometown in England and taken the bus tour (the only passenger without gray hair). Initially determined to follow in Mr. Herriot’s footsteps and become a veterinarian, she realized in time that her real interest was in his storytelling, and she could honor that without relying on her sketchy math and science skills.
As a result, she coasted quite happily through an English lit degree and another in journalism and began writing stories that featured loveable animals. Today she shares her life with a couple of dogs who wouldn’t have the first clue about solving a mystery. She still dreams of owning her own hobby farm and rescue. For the moment, she settles for following hobby farms and homesteaders on social media. ~ ellen@ellenriggs.com